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Caladenia georgei
Tuart Spider Orchid

WA: Wireless hill
(S 32 1', E 115 49')



© E. Delannoy

Users Comments [3] Add a comment

Very nice photograph! Is this species definietly C. georgii? I wasn't sure. I photographed this exact same flower 8 days before you. A photo of it is on my website at http://orchids.chookman.id.au/caladenia/arenicola3b.jpg
-- Justin, 2008-05-16 16:28

This plant is not 100% georgei because it has some arenicola in it. A true georgei would be the ones I photographed at the Franklandia nature reserve. This one had all the criteria of georgei without any arenicola in it I reckon. cheers
-- Etienne, 2008-05-27 09:13

Caladenia arenicola
-- Andrew Brown, 2009-12-26 12:15